Monday - Friday - 8:00-18:00

How we help?

Nuestro objetivo es mejorar la calidad de vida

Treatment for disorders engines

The application of botulinum toxin to searching for improve the quality of life of children and adults with spasticity, Dystonia, as well as movement disorders and chronic non-surgical pain.

The benefits of the application of toxin botulinum are the following:

  • It produces partial or total muscle relaxation

  • Improves the movement of the joints

  • It reduces or removes the pain

  • Its effect lasts for 4 to 6 months

  • Allow that the work of rehabilitation is more effective

  • It allows a greater tolerance to the placement of splints.

The application of toxin botulinum to facilitate

  • The programs of rehabilitation at home.

  • Decrease the family unit

  • Reduce the dependence of the Rehabilitacion.integracion individual, family, social and productive centers.

Learn more about our support by INDESOL campaign !





Where to find us?

Av.Lomas green No. 26-03
Naucalpan State of Mexico
C.P. 53140
01-(55) 5393 2477
5572 1201 and 5572 2466